Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Macros and Useful Addons.

Macros. - Remove the quotation marks.
Aura Macro - Always remember to switch between your auras to the times you need it, if you've got resistance aura against a warr/rogue combo, you're an idiot.


/castsequence devotion aura, resistance aura"

Burst Macro - THIS IS ESSENTIAL Always remember to use your burst macro when you need that extra damage, mostly used to take down healers as well. Always click on Divine Plea after you use the macro then wait till Sacred Duty pops and get dem 70k SoTRs on 5k resils. 

/cast Inquisition
/use <Trinket>
/cast Divine Plea
/cast Avenging Wrath"

CS/Judgement HoTR/Judgement Macro - This helps relegate your cooldowns on judgement and your two main holy power generators, it's also useful to keep your button space lower.

/castsequence reset=2 crusader strike, judgement, crusader strike"
/castsequence reset=2 hammer of the righteous, judgement, hammer of the righteous"

Mitagation Macro - THIS IS ESSENTIAL Use this before your bubble to possibly save your life by reducing drastic amounts of damage and healing you back up to 15% if you take a hit that can kill you, using WoG strategically after Ardent Defender procs can turn an arena battle around by healing you back up to 70%. 

/cast [mod:ctrl] guardian of ancient kings
/castsequence reset=30 divine protection, guardian of ancient kings, ardent defender"

Focus WoG - Focus Flash of Light - Focus Hand of Sacrifice - you should always help out your partner in a damage/damage comp, if he/she needs the extra heal throw them a spare WoG or flash of light. You can use hand of sacrifice strategically to break out of stuns/snares/bonds that can be broken by damage. 

/cast [mod:ctrl] holy radiance
/cast [@focus, mod:shift, nodead] word of glory; word of glory"

/cast [mod:ctrl] holy light
/cast [@focus, mod:shift, nodead] flash of light; flash of light"

"#showtooltip hand of sacrifice
/cast [help] hand of sacrifice; [target=focus, exists, nodead] hand of sacrifice"

Additional Macro FOR PROS ONLY USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION - Use this all the time since you're a pro by following my guide you'll obviously need to constantly laugh at your enemy and make them feel pathetic.


There are no essential addons for Prot Paladins specifically but personally I use the essential PvP addons and the useful ones for pvp in general.
Bartender UI
Cooldown Count

These are mostly aesthetic addons to make PvPing easier though I still recommend them. 

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